Canal Walk Bathrooms

There is a place that everyone visits from time to time, it can be a disgusting place that you try to avoid or the place where you can find peace and quiet for a brief moment. Most of the time, it’s not a place you choose to end up in. It’s the place you need to use when you need to and luckily enough it’s close enough. The place I’m talking about is the public bathroom.


They have been around for years, longer than i can remember and before I was born. Over the years they have become cleaner (depending on the business being run) , private and sometimes more eco friendly. Public bathrooms have become less of a germ trap and more of a space you reluctantly wish to touch. Its with these thoughts I have to wonder, why does canal walk bathrooms suck so much?


When I walk into one of their bathrooms, the first thing i noted was the smell. Over the years of entering this space it almost feels like an oil factory identifier that you’re in canal walk. The smell is something with a mix of old used water and some fragrant bleach which is failing in the attempt to Mask the old musk of previous tenants. The only positive thing about it is that it goes well with the lighting and decor. Its attempt at warm light to make you feel comfortable seems more oppressive in a sense you should be wary of dark corners and that its use is that to hide the possible floor to wall stains and stray droplets of others with a misconception of how good their aim is.


The colour scheme does its best to to feel regal, but I fail to see it, maybe when it was new it had this tone, but now it just looks dirty. If you walk into a stall, its almost feels like a fight between you and whatever germ is trying to get into you and the possibility of little to no toilet paper if you’re not being careful. The toilet bowel is what it is, you cannot fault it as we humans are disgusting creatures and that the bowel just the physical personification of it. It feels like a contrast to their promise of expensive living and chic design.


It’s hidden to the side as means to say “we haven’t tried” and embarrassed by this but won’t try to fix. Its an unwelcoming part of Canal Walk which I try to avoid but if I need to I use and hope that nothing follows me out.

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