Shelly the Fortune Teller

Did I ever tell you the story about Fortune Teller Shelly? Fortune Tellers Shelly was pretty famous in my old town, I think she was on TV once when I was a kid. Apparently she was pretty accurate with her predictions, sometimes she even helped the local police solve minor crimes. I never really never […]

Nostalgia….You’re An Evil, Lovable Sometimes Vindicated Ass

Nostalgia is a weird thing, it makes you feel like the past was great and what’s happening in the present cannot come close. Playing through these old Playstation (PSX or PS1 for those in the know) of games I have no memories of ever touching weirdly enough makes me think of my childhood spending hours […]

Game Industry Day A Worthwhile Experience

This weekend I went to an event called the Game Industry Day hosted by the Academy of Digital Arts Friends of Design. It started in December 2014 and is an event where Game developers, designers, gaming aficionados can get together to learn about videogame development in South Africa. The event currently consists of well known […]