Nostalgia….You’re An Evil, Lovable Sometimes Vindicated Ass

Nostalgia is a weird thing, it makes you feel like the past was great and what’s happening in the present cannot come close. Playing through these old Playstation (PSX or PS1 for those in the know) of games I have no memories of ever touching weirdly enough makes me think of my childhood spending hours […]

Gaming Healthy: Peanut Butter and Provita

Few months back, I posted an article about gaming and players eating habits.I mentioned that players should try and stick to healthy meals or snacks, today I’d like to give you a snack I love having while gaming which is easy to make, tastes good and healthy. I came up with this combination nearly 12 […]

Internet Hate And A Possible Way To Curb It

People making a living on the internet must have it pretty hard. You’re relying on people visiting your site or watching your videos to make enough money to cover basic needs and keep a roof over your head. Watching Let’s Plays and online personalities acting weird and funny, or giving people food for thought looks […]

2014 Gaming Resolution: Think before you buy, before you’re sadly disappointed

2013 was a interesting and sad year for the gaming  community and its industry. Consoles were released, companies created and closed, people leaving the industry due to work or passing (R.I.P Ryan Davis, you are missed). With a new generation of consoles in stores, we have something to look forward to in video games and […]