A Story About A Cable

A week ago I stood in my room steeped over a PC case and a pile of computer components that needed to be put in the correct order and plugged in just right so that my significant other could make use of her self bought gift.


While I was sweating away, rehashing memories of hardware safety from college in fear that I break something. I noticed that I was missing a mini-hdmi cable. A cable that most people that worked in the IT profession would have in an abundance. So my girlfriend and I took a trip to the mall, figured the best place to get this cable is to head to the place with the most stores and open till late too. Couldn’t order it online, would take too long to get here, also, It’s just a cable.


We arrive at the mall, parking was easily found if you’re willing to walk an extra few meters. Got inside and head to the first store on the list. As we step in, I asked one of the sales representatives and he shows me the way, at this time, I am expecting something close to the amount I was clutching in my hand. I was wrong, the cost was more than I expected. It was R300 ($30),  I pretended to be cool and walked out passing the sales rep with a gesture as to say “we’ll be back later for it”. I was not coming back later.


We walk around some more finding other stores with the same price, after an hour wasted I suggest we just buy the cable at the price most of them are selling it and move on. As we’re walking back, she noticed another store, not exactly a pc centric store, but it didn’t hurt to try. We walked in, I asked the same question tiredly and half expecting him to know what I need. He showed me the way, I looked around and found nothing. Tired and pretty hungry I figured that I’d look around the store, see for anything else I may need , not sure why but being tired I wasn’t thinking too clearly. Then I see the cable I need, shocked I look closer, thinking I might be mistaken. I wasn’t,  my girlfriend asked for confirmation, I was delighted to say  yes. I checked the price R50 ($5), the price was insanely low! Grabed it in one hand and some other converter I may never use, but I’d keep it incase. Strolling to the till we are advised that these cables are on sale so its half price, I was giddy. I saved myself R300 rand on one cable at a store I would never walk into.


After paying we walk out smiling followed by a high five, because its what we do and got us something to eat in celebration and hunger.

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